Dominions of Steel

Dominions of Steel is a sci-fi setting for Savage Worlds that takes you to the Sagittarium Expanse, a region of space inhabited by ambitious star nations vying for power. These nations are collectively known as the Scavenger Lords, and they are served by noble houses led by Paladins—men and women who pilot mighty battle robots known as dragoons. These combat machines are relics of an earlier, almost legendary age, each one a powerful war machine able to defeat entire formations of lesser combatants.

The schemes of the Scavenger Lords are observed from the shadows by the Star Guild, a secretive organization who controls and maintains jump gates that link together these far-flung worlds. On the dark fringes of known space, pirates and sellswords roam, unaware that even stranger reminders of long-ago wars linger in the depths of the void.

In Dominions of Steel, players take on the roles of Paladins of a minor noble house, working together to advance their house’s prestige and power despite the challenges of pirates, mercenary raiders, and conquest-minded star nations.

Are you bold enough to seize your destiny in the realm of the Scavenger Lords?

This is the beginning of your story amongst these bloody stars.

Please join hosts Bobby Dean and Jeff Webb as they deep dive TTRPGs and the game mechanics that power them. From the history, to the rules, to the personalities behind them all, we’ll touch on any and everything as we explore the things we love about our shared hobby.